
About Us

Transportations and car renting service, providing Traveling services and facilities, catering service, buffet service, providing water activity ( barakis and fresh water ), providing crude oil transporting, providing various supplies to all sector companies and recently we add: marine transportation and wells purification (work over)

Our Mission

Providing (technical and non-technical ) services in the most qualified and professional level to petroleum companies in the petroleum sector regarding health, safety, quality standards in providing the services, as well as reaching effectiveness and proficiency in preventing accidents and injuries

Future vision

Petro Logestic is seeking to provide the best service in the lowest cost possible through trained labors and increasing the value adds through activating the activities that is not depending on labors and the recent activities (marine – transporting – heavy equipment’s maintenance) and some supporting activities to drilling operations like producing maintenance

Our services

Ensuring the highest standard of quality and safety complying with all regulations and international standards and continue usually developing our highly professional workforce. 
– providing technical and non-technical services. 
– logistic services: drilling and exploration assisting works and services.


Dr.Mamdouh Elhossary


Dr. Reham Elassy
Vice Chairman

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